Одеська клініка Wellness Center пропонує послуги у сфері ВІЛ для всіх

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Dear patients of the "TEST&TREAT Odesa" clinic!

Our clinic works as usual

Work schedule:

Monday - Friday - from 9:00 to 17:00
Saturday - from 10:00 to 16:00
Sunday is a day off

Phone numbers:

(050) 438-90-07

(048) 706-71-71


Odessa, Velyka Arnauts`ka street , 44.

Follow the official AHF website at:


There we will inform you about any changes in the work.

Keep calm and take care of yourself!

Welcome to AHF Test & Treat Clinic - Odessa!

We are located in the city of Odessa and offer confidential HIV services at no cost. You can visit us to get a free rapid HIV test, HIV treatment with ARV medication, and condoms (male and female). Counseling on HIV prevention and treatment is also available. Everyone is welcome! Call us to schedule an appointment and get more information about our services. You can also walk into the clinic to access our free HIV services.

Click here for the main AHF Odessa website.

Working Hours

Monday - Friday 9:00 — 17:00
Saturday is off 10:00 — 16:00

The Test & Treat clinic was opened in Odessa in December 2017 with funds from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation-USA in Ukraine in cooperation with the Odessa Regional Center for Socially Significant Diseases within the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding between the AHF Ukraine and the Ministry of Health, as well as between Fund and Department of Health of Odessa Regional State Administration.

About the clinic for patients

The AHF Test & Treat Clinic in Ukraine is a healthcare institution where you can get an HIV test and, if it is positive, get all the support you need and rapidly start treating HIV infection and related diseases.

The following services are provided free of charge at the clinic:

Testing and prevention, psycho-social support, and HIV treatment.

General Questions - HOT LINES